Support me on Patreon (for bonus content!)

If you’re a regular viewer on my videos you may have noticed the absence of sponsorship, I get offers as does any channel, but I really don’t want to break into the flow of whatever project I’m showing to try and sell you a box of wine, some crappy mobile game or a VPN you really don’t need.

Instead of relying on the corporate dollar (and the ever shrinking amount of ad money youtube provides), I have a page over on Patreon where people can support me directly. Starting as just a quid (£1!) patrons get to watch extra videos (including the full and detailed series of films for both the battery room build and the car port build) and early access to all the videos that get out into the public.

It’s more than just financial support, it’s a community thing as well. Being able to share videos with a smaller, far more appreciative audience makes me much more able to cope with the slings and arrows of putting my work out there in the wider world!

Patreon page link

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